Negligence of Market Managers
The Kejetia Market fire was largely caused by the negligence of the market managers, according to the police report. The fire and insurance certificate had expired, leaving the occupants of the market vulnerable in terms of safety measures. This is a concerning sign for other markets in Ghana as it shows that documents required for insurance coverage may not be taken into consideration when running a business.
2. Fire Prevention Education
This incident has also highlighted the need for fire prevention education in local markets. Educating vendors and shop owners on how to handle an emergency situation such as a fire should be at the forefront for any market manager trying to ensure the safety and wellbeing of their customers and colleagues. Fire drills should also be enacted from time to time to make sure that everyone is informed on what to do in case of an emergency situation.
3. Risk Assessments
Market managers should seek out help from accredited risk assessors who can provide them with up-to-date information on preventive measures they should take when it comes to fire safety. This would include making sure all electrical equipment meets set standards, ensuring escapes routes are accessible and clearly marked, checking if smoke detectors are working properly, organising regular extinguisher checks etc.
4. Fire Fighting Equipment
Firefighting equipment must be accessible at all times in areas where there is potential risk of a fire starting or spreading rapidly like any cooking areas or flammable items and materials present in shops or stalls around a market space . All exits should have working extinguishers as well as signs that point individuals towards identified escape routes which could save countless lives . Markets should also consider installing sprinkler systems too as it will help contain a deflagration which could spread exceedingly fast given its combustible nature .
5. Improving Security Measures
Security measures should always be considered when dealing with overcrowded areas like markets to ensure only legitimate visitors will enter these spaces , no trespasser means no troublemakers attempting to cause harm intentionally or unintentionally . Physical barriers can help deter people attempting theft or careless activity while giving easy access points and constant surveillance so any incidents can be responded immediately .
6. Stringent Regulations & Strict Adherence
Authorities need strict regulations in place that allow no room for excuses with regards to workplace health and safety conditions . Any adverse consequences stemming from violations must follow through without exemptions regardless of gender , socio-economic status , race etc . There needs to be strong vetting process for personnel involved who fail to maintain standard rules despite clear instructions that are meant for protecting customers and staff alike .
7. Insurance Coverage & Miscellaneous Precautions
Lastly, relevant documentation such as insurance certificates lapse notices need updating regularly at all times across all premises throughout Ghana’s many markets . The public must understand all existing rules enforcing general hygiene , cleanliness , noise factors , security vigilance checks plus regular maintenance within the entire vicinity so undesirable events causing huge losses can truly come under control swiftly were they not already preempted before their emergence fully taking shape.